Tuesday 21 April 2015

Life Lessons Learnt ...from the crazy that is my idea of 'doable'

So here's a little insight to my life right now. I decided that for April (the chocolate month of the year!!!) I should quit refined sugar totally and cut down on coffee. I don't know what I was thinking, maybe let's be healthy, and as I love to do, set myself a challenge at the hardest time to stick to that challenge. All I can say is I'm feelin' dem withdrawal feels; bear with me while I adjust to real energy that comes from sleep.

A little bit of info on the progress of this blog. I am LEARNING LOTS very quickly. Three things I've learnt about writing a blog.
1. Bring your laptop/tablet everywhere, and write the post immediately, edit later. I have so far been to Linden, the Nicholas Thompson Gallery Opening, Ian Potter, NGV International, ACCA, some random exhibition in Ballarat, and Bromley and Co. in Ballarat. I've published Linden.. see my problem?
2. Don't set deadlines without considering other work you have to do in the time, rest time, and ample time for things to go wrong. You simply won't meet the deadline, and creative juices do not flow when you are staring at a pile of work that needs to be done (no matter how organized you are).
3. It doesn't have to be perfect. Just press publish.

Just keepin it real homies,
Signing off,

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